About RunRepeat

We help athletes find their next pair of athletic shoes

How we test shoes

  • We buy all shoes with our own money
  • We wear test all shoes
  • We cut all shoes in half

In this process, we measure and compare more than 30 metrics on each shoe, doing our best to quantify shoe reviews. Given the amount of running, hiking, weightlifting, etc., needed for these tests, it’s imperative to work with people who are very passionate about their sport. Fortunately, we have a perfect team of shoe nerds onboard who add their personal opinions from their wear-testing, which adds nuance to our lab tests. You'll find our full methodology explained here

How we make money and how to support us

If you click through to the retailer and you buy the shoe, we get an affiliate commission on the sale. This is how we pay ourselves. It does not make the shoe pricier for you. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

We also have ads to support our operations. If you notice any intrusive experience, please write me ([email protected]). 

Meet the shoe fanatics


Initially, we focused on running shoes - today we also collate reviews of hiking shoes, boots & sandals, sneakers, training shoes, walking shoes, tennis shoes, and basketball shoes.

Jens Jakob Andersen

Founder and CEO

Jens Jakob is a fan of short distances with a 5 km PR at 15:58 minutes. Based on 35 million race results, he's among the fastest 0.2% runners. Jens Jakob used to be a competitive runner, and he used to own a running store. Finally, Jens Jakob has a background in statistics and forecasting, and his studies have been covered in The New York Times, BBC, Washington Post among hundreds of other newspapers as well as peer-reviewed studies. He has also appeared on +30 podcasts on running.

[email protected]

Paul Ronto

Hiking expert

Paul loves adventure. Over the past 20 years, he has climbed, hiked, and run all over the world. He’s summited peaks throughout the Americas, trekked through Africa, and tested his endurance in 24-hour trail races. He has worked in the outdoor industry as a whitewater and hunting guide, gear tester, copywriter, and outfitting specialist at places like The National Outdoor Leadership School, No Barriers USA, and Sierra Trading Post. He has been quoted in NYMag, NBCNews, and Business Insider to name a few.

Nick Rizzo

Training expert

Nick is a powerlifter who believes cardio comes in the form of more heavy ass squats. Based on over 1.5 million lifts done at competitions, his PRs place him as an elite level powerlifter. His PRs have him sitting in the top 2% of bench presses (395 lbs), top 3% of squats (485 lbs) and top 6% of deadlifts (515 lbs) for his weight and age. His work has been featured on Forbes, Bodybuilding.com, Elite Daily and the like. Collaborating along the way with industry leaders like Michael Yessis, Mark Rippetoe, Carlo Buzzichelli, Dave Tate, Ray Williams, and Joel Seedman.

Dimitrije Curcic

Basketball expert

Dimitrije Curcic has been playing basketball for over 22 years. Like Manu Ginobili, he’s a left-hander whose moves led him to a better career-shooting percentage than the Argentine himself. After playing professionally for 10 years, Dimitrije moved to coaching for two seasons before he became a basketball statistician for StatScore, and FanSided contributor for the San Antonio Spurs. Dimitrije loves to tell hoop stories through numbers and graphics and has been featured on Fansided, FiveThirtyEight, Eurohoops, and TalkBasket among the others.

[email protected]

Danny McLoughlin


Danny is a sneakerhead turned sneaker industry expert that believes a good outfit begins from the feet up. His aunt currently isn't speaking to him for wearing a pair of kicks at his cousin's wedding. He spends most of his time trying to keep on top of the latest releases, hitting up his contacts and doing what needs to be done to secure his next pickup. Danny has been featured in prestigious publications such as The Washington Post, The Irish Times, Footwear News and the like.

[email protected]

Jovana Subić

Running Expert

Jovana is into all things outdoor - skyrunning, trail running, rock climbing, hiking, mountain biking, kayaking. She uses every opportunity to trade walls and concrete for forests and trails, which made her a hard-core remote work devotee. Whether it's a vertical kilometer or an ultra, she enjoys the surroundings and fantasizes about donuts. With a background in physics and engineering management, as well as photography and creative writing, she combines both technical and creative aspects to do her best.

[email protected]


Laci is a contemporary dancer turned shoe aficionado. She is the most knowledgeable person when it comes to athletic shoes, size conversions and details people nitpick about footwear. She keeps the RunRepeat content gears turning 24/7. And she walks 20miles/week.

Brenton Barker

Tennis coach / advisor

Brenton is an Australian with 20 years of experience coaching WTA and ATP professional tennis players, whom have won a total of 10 international professional Tournaments.

Brenton holds a Degree in Sports Coaching and was the former head Tennis Coach at the Japanese Government Sports Science Institute. Brenton was also a former Manager & Head Coach of Australia’s Governing Sporting Body, Tennis Australia, and has been a Dunlop International Advisory Board Member since 2010.

Additionally, Brenton was the head of Player development for World No 7 and two-time Grand Slam Champion Johan Kriek.

Gabriele Zampieri

Gabriele lives and runs in Italy and he knows the Alps inside out. No wonder given that he has 30+ via ferratas, 20+ trail races and 100+ hiking routes under his belt. And he willingly bivouacked more than 30 times in the middle of nowhere. He logs 25-45 miles per week with 1k-3k elevation gain and is now training for his first 100k race. Trails run through his veins but so does the Italian talkative side.

Judith Agustin

If Sneakerology exists, Judith’s close to earning her Ph.D. She owns not stacks of kicks, but hundreds of published sneaker content online, headlining grails, greats, GRs from over 30 global brands. She’s a natural creative wordsmith, a hype monster at times, who writes and edits lifestyle articles professionally for over two decades now. If you're lost in a sea of popular or undervalued sneaks fishing for that best catch, she’ll gladly help out between sips of coffee or lemony mojito.

Sheena Marie Paredes

Sheena is a wordsmith turned sneaker addict. Her sneaker fixation intensified as her passion for writing grew. A hands-on mom of two sweet yet spunky kids (plus three dogs and two cats), she finds solitude in leafing through shoe catalogs to find the next "it" sneaker. Scrutinizing hugely popular and underrated kicks is her favorite pastime.

Jaydee Pardilla

Jaydee dispels the myth that women can't be experts when it comes to sneakers. With hundreds of sneaker articles under her belt, she gained a surefire edge over others claiming to be experts. Since joining RunRepeat in 2017, she’s published formidable arrays of sneaker write-ups - some covered in lifestyle magazines. Interested in scrutinizing a pair of sneakers? Jaydee is the best person to talk to as she can intuitively chew it over with you even while doing her laundry. When she’s not writing, you can catch Jaydee playing with her two kids, online shopping, and spending far too much time on Instagram.

Boring, but necessary stuff:


RunRepeat ApS

Fuglebakkevej 14

2000 Frederiksberg



Email: [email protected] (please read below first)

  1. We don't give advice on what shoes to buy.
  2. You can suggest shoes that we should test on our shoe pipeline.


Oh, and please remember… Don’t buy new shoes unless your current ones are worn out. Sport is more than a pair of new shoes.